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Coping with COVID-19

First and foremost Inertia Physiotherapy wants to keep you, your family, our family and our community safe and healthy. We know that life has changed dramatically and rapidly due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but you STILL have PAIN! 


We are OPEN and ready to help. Your safety and ours is our TOP priority. We have implemented a variety of ways to maximize your safety in the clinic:​​​


  • We sanitize all frequently touch surfaces and equipment between clients.

  • We scheduling extra time between clients to prevent cross traffic so you won't be sitting in a waiting room with other people.  

  • Masks are mandatory for both staff and clients while in the clinic. If you happen to forget your mask we do have disposable ones on hand to give you. 

  • You have access to hand sanitizer and/or hand washing before and after your appointments. 

  • We have information posted about the symptoms of Covid-19 and each client is sent a symptom survey prior to each session. \

  • Our office is in a newly renovated building. It has a high efficiency HVAC  system with  constant circulation. We also have an in office air purifier.  

  • We are staying up to date with what is happening in our state and community regarding Covid-19



If you are NOT comfortable with in person visits at this time, we 100% respect this decision. Inertia Physiotherapy's primary goal is to serve our community. To that end, telehealth visits called Online Physical Therapy are available. (click here to learn more)



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