We help Missoulians get to the root of their pain and heal their injuries so they can live the active, healthy lifestyle they desire.
move better | feel better
Whether you're struggling with a new problem or persistent pain and nagging injuries in the Missoula area, Inertia Physiotherapy may be your best option to help you heal and get back to your active lifestyle.
Explore our website to learn more about how our Integrative Approach to Physical Therapy targets the source of your pain for better results.
Life has changed dramatically and rapidly with the Covid-19 Pandemic. We don't want you to suffer needlessly and avoid getting the expert help you need to treat your pain or injury during this difficult time.
Inertia Physiotherapy has implemented a variety of ways to cope with Covid-19, including policies and procedures that maximize your safety in clinic and the addition of tele-health services we call Online Phyisotherapy. Click here to learn more.
Call /text us with questions or request a FREE Phone Consultation
We are Physical Therapy Centered Around:
Your Story
Your Goals
Your Lifestyle

Is Inertia Physiotherapy Right for You?

Are you in pain and frustrated by lack of improvement or exacerbation of symptoms with other other treatments, even surgery?

Are you discouraged by your imaging results but not ready to seek more invasive medical treatment?

Are you more reliant on pain medication or anti-inflammatories than you'd like or are they not as effective as they used to be?

Are you tired of only getting advice to rest, ice or stop your favorite activity all together?

Are you frustrated by your lack of ability to progress your strength or mobility practice without suffering new or recurring injuries?

Are you tired of bargaining your favorite activities away to avoid pain? Do you desire a more active lifestyle with less pain and more freedom to enjoy your favorite things and try new things?
Are any of the above scenarios hitting too close to home?​​
What sets us apart at Inertia Physiotherapy?
You feel the difference from the start. You'll have the full attention of your therapist and we take ample time listen to your story and learn what's important to you. We don't treat you as a collection of body parts. You are the elegant balance of multiple systems that work together to support life and vitality. None of your systems work alone. They also don't get injured alone or heal alone. This basic understanding guides the care we deliver. We practice Integrative Physical Therapy.
Click here to read more Reviews from happy clients who found success with our Integrative Physical Therapy Approach, even when previous treatments had failed to provide results.
About Inertia Physiotherapy in Missoula, MT
Restore hope and confidence in your body Â
Reduce or eliminate reliance on medication Â
Avoid un-necessary medical procedures
Improve your quality of lifehope and confidence in your body
Inertia Physiotherapy in Missoula can help
Meet the person behind Inertia Physiotherapy

Ana Soulia, PT, DPT, STOTT Pilates Rehab, ISM Graduate
Ana Soulia, PT, DPT is owner and Physical Therapist at Inertia Physiotherapy in Missoula, MT. Inertia Physiotherapy was born out of the belief that everyone deserves to feel good in their body and do the things they want and need to do.
Throughout her career Ana has never stopped asking why and seeking novel solutions. This has propelled her to invest in advanced clinical education that gives her a truly unique way of looking at the body and the ability to help many that have failed to improve with other practitioner guidance.
Her cup is filled with family, learning and spending time in the great Montana outdoors. Like many of her clients her favorite activities shift with seasons. She believes experiences are what make life rich.